Week 13: Enjoying family and capturing fun in the midst of crazy spring weather.
Day 83:
I am grateful for spring and the mature blooming trees around our house. I feel at peace sitting on the deck surrounded by the big trees.Day 84:
I am grateful for the perspective of my wonderful 4 year old son through photos. These are some unedited photos that HE took on his own while walking around with my camera. It makes me smile to see how he captures things, and I love the angles and perspectives in his photography!Day 85:
I am grateful for the opportunities to step back and not take life so seriously. Moments of dancing, laughing, spinning, playing, smiling. Moments and captured memories like this make everything else in the world right.Day 86:
I am grateful for the moments of sweetness between these brothers, rather than moments of rivalry.Big Brother: "I want a hug. Give me a hug, please, just like this."
Baby: Just stares, then "okay" and stands up to hug big brother.
Day 87:
I am grateful for new growth. For learning new things by planting herbs and veggies for the first time. I am also grateful for family time I shared with my husband and boys as we painted the planters and planted the herbs.Day 88:
Mother's Day. This year I am mostly grateful to come to this day with happiness and a full heart, when I know many others come to this day with sadness... (I wish I could say more here, but I don't quite have the words...)I really do have so much to be grateful for on Mother's Day, but today I am ultimately just grateful for these boys who made me a mother, and for this crazy life phase of mothering young children.
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