Saturday, May 11, 2013


The more photos I post of the boys, the more people tell me they look alike. This is funny to me because when they first handed me Baby N, I thought he looked NOTHING like his big brother. I never have thought they look much alike. I guess to me, Nathan just looks like...well...Nathan. The comments from others made me very curious so I put together some comparison photos of each boy at the same age (luckily, I've taken a thousand photos of each and this was pretty easy to do). I can point out some differences, but after putting the photos side by side, I give in...they really do look alike.

What do you think???

Big Brother  |  Little Brother

1 Month Old

2 Months Old

3 Months Old
3 Months Old

3 1/2 Months Old
And one more... (this one convinced me more than the others)
About 2 Months

There will be no denying they are brothers. I am now very excited to see if Baby N will grow more and more like his big brother, or if his appearance and personality will start to look very different. 

It is definitely fun watching these two grow up!

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