Monday, March 30, 2015

365 Photo Project-73

I was so afraid I wouldn't find things I love about living out east because I loved Colorado and the Midwest so much. Of course, being here only a few short months, I've come to realize there are many things to love about Maryland and this East Coast area as well. 

I love the skies. I've already seen some beautiful sunrises and sunsets with amazing shades of blue and purple. I love the clouds and how they always seem to be the picture perfect painted clouds and a bright blue sky. The colors and skies almost feel softer here where Colorado and the Midwest seemed so intense. Both amazing in totally different ways. I do love spring in Maryland.

Here was my attempt to get outside and capture some of the clouds today. 



I guess the clouds can be kind of dramatic here too....but I know I'll always miss those incredible midwest storms!


365 Photo Project-72

"While Mommy Cleans in the Other Room"


Oops! I left the childproof safety off of the cabinet, so while I was up finishing laundry, the boys were emptying the cabinet. Seriously, why did we ever buy actual toys?

At least I got laundry done.....

365 Photo Project- 71



I have two observations when looking at this one.  

1. We haven't been doing much out of the house lately, considering my last few photos have been around the house of mundane daily life....BUT this is capturing life as it is now. 

2. I need to better teach the 2 year old the steps of normal everyday tasks instead of assuming he has it all down and can do it on his own....because those bubbles in the sink are only about a quarter of the bubbles he actually made in the bathroom while washing his hands....

365 Photo Project- 70

"Catching Bubbles" 


He was so proud that he could catch the bubble back on the wand and hold it there. I was impressed with how still he held that bubble! 

365 Photo Project- 69

"Snack Break"



Saturday, March 21, 2015

365 Photo Project- 68



My black and white pick for the weekend. Curious muddy outdoor boy.

365 Photo Project- 67

"Image of Childhood"


A spring snow yesterday followed by a 60 degree day today means lots of muddy mess and lots and lots of fun.