Monday, March 9, 2015

365 Photo Project- 54

"Joy from Persistence"


This child loves this perplexus game. He already mastered one so we bought him two different, harder ones. He had a hard time at first but stayed focused and persistent. He picked it up every day, even when he could only get to number 9 out of 30 for well over a week.

Then this day, he got to 28, only 2 away from mastering this one, and got noticeably very excited, so excited I was worried his excitement would actually prevent him from making the last move. He called me over at 29 so I could see him finish it after all of his hard work. 

This photo is amazing because it is the photo capturing his heart right when he got the marble into the "30 End" space and realized he mastered it for the first time after weeks of practicing! 

He teaches me so much every day...

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