Monday, March 9, 2015

365 Photo Project- 58

"Snow Spots"


I thought the rocks looked super pretty still speckled with snow. Most photos of this area are of the other direction toward the falls. I wanted to be aware of more opportunities other than the obvious. 

The other thought I had on this one was that I struggle figuring out which scenery photos should be color and which ones are better black and white. A lot of times I keep them color because of the clear blue sky, or the rich greens, but I do like this one better in black and white. It may just be up to personal preference.

While on the subject of black and white scenery, it seems appropriate to add this photo to the post. I did try one of the falls in black and white. There are a few different reasons why I'm not a big fan of this photo, but the black and white did turn out kind of neat with the water.

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