Sunday, January 12, 2014

365 Gratitude Project- Week 2

Grateful Week 2




 Day 6: 

I am grateful for the the food mess all over the house (especially for the bananas and strawberries that are permanently stuck to the kitchen wood floors), because this reminds me of the HEALTHY baby who is eating, throwing, and smearing all that healthy food around.
 And speaking of food....

 Day 7:

I am grateful for the new knowledge I've gained this past few months of what eating "healthy" actually looks like. It's been a process of retraining myself and my mindset after 30 years of routine, but I've been learning a lot and seeing positive changes already. Whether I do fully plunge into and remain in a gluten free diet, or just focus on eating clean, I am grateful for the opportunity to make these changes that will benefit both me and my family. (Secondary gratitude today: I am also grateful for good friends who choose the most thoughtful gifts. The bottom two books were gifts I received this Christmas.)


Day 8: 

I am grateful for my son's curiosity and willingness to learn new things, as well as the opportunities he has available to do so. There are some really neat toys out there that are perfect for his little analytical, engineer brain.

Day 9:

I am grateful for the daily companionship I have with the kids, even if they make my daily tasks ten times harder. Seriously, it's never a dull moment and I always have somebody around to talk to...even if I'm answered in baby talk...

 Day 10:

I am grateful for a big fun backyard for the boys to run and play. B can play happily outside for hours (even in the snow), while I can still watch him from all the big windows looking out over the yard. (I am also grateful for Friday, because Friday is the day we don't have to do ANYTHING. We can just hang around the house in PJ's, relax, play inside or outside, and just enjoy our time together! I think everybody needs downtime days at least once in awhile!)

Day 11:

I am grateful that the boys have an amazing father who is fully involved in their lives. They have a wonderful role model and a father who loves them beyond belief and who tells them that every day! (This picture of N hanging out in Daddy's jacket is just so cute!)

Day 12:

To end this week, I am grateful for the ability and the energy to run, workout, and remain strong and healthy (I'm sure running will hit this grateful project a few times throughout this year). This was a good fitness week with a workout each day and a total running mileage of 22 miles. Sometimes when I think everything else in life is tough, I can look at the simple fact that my strong body (and mind) can take me through a nice 10+ mile run when I used to never think that would be a possibility.

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