Monday, April 29, 2013

Whatever Works #1

As a mom, I have heard and repeated many times the phrase, "Eh, whatever works!" This is my first post with a "whatever works" moment. I am hoping to post many more of these, because these moments do seem to come up often. 

I have had days with both kids where nothing seems to work. They won't sleep, they won't listen, I can't get anything done, and nothing goes the way I need it too. Then (usually by chance), I will come across something that does work. It is usually something pretty random. For example, I found that running water was the best soothing sound for Baby N when I thought he was hungry for more milk than I could supply, so I started the warm water to heat up pumped milk. Within 10 seconds, that screaming baby in my arms was fast asleep! 

Sometimes, the things you least expect (or the things you aren't supposed to do) are the things that end up actually working to achieve at least a little sanity or peace in the day. 

Today's post comes on a day when my 3 year old has tested my every ounce of patience, and my 3 month old has been fussy and decided naps really aren't necessary. With the mood these two are in today, it's no surprise this "whatever works" post is showing the ONLY way I've been able to get my baby to sleep today; the ONLY way I've been able to get even a minute of quiet time.

Today Baby N would only nap swaddled, in the carseat, rocking, on the deck (which apparently added a little extra jiggle to the rocking necessary for him to fall asleep)....

Awww, finally some peace... with the added bonus of wonderful fresh air! 

Whatever Works

Friday, April 19, 2013

A Mind of his Own

I am not sure why I need reminders to put myself in my child's mind before assuming anything. I am a parent. I love my children. This comes naturally right???

The sample from the MOPS craft for the 2-3 year olds yesterday:

 Bryce's finished craft:

Although I know he is only 3 and crafts are NEVER like the sample, which I also know is absolutely fine, I still found myself start to wonder if he didn't understand where the animal stickers should go, if he's having a hard time following simple directions, or if he truly couldn't care less where those stickers went and just wanted to go play instead. (Seriously, after typing this paragraph, I'm reminded of something else: I really need to stop over-thinking things.) So, I asked a simple question.

Mommy: "This is a cool craft you made."
Bryce: "Yep, I made that!" (He's very proud of himself these days which I really do love.)
Mommy: "Why did you decide to put all the animals on the rainbow?" (thinking he would just shrug and say "because I wanted to" or not answer at all.) 
Bryce: "Because they are all sliding down the rainbow. It's fun!"
Mommy: "Ohhh..."

Sure enough, look at the angle of most of the animals. It is clear they are sliding down the rainbow. He wasn't being random. He had a plan.
And here I assumed he didn't care and was just slapping the stickers on the paper without putting much thought into it....

Ok, so this craft wasn't a big deal and it truly wouldn't have mattered if he put thought into it or not, but it was a reminder for me to not jump to conclusions, get mad at him, or assume he's doing something "wrong" when he's actually just thinking differently than I am. Kids really do have a pretty awesome thought process and I am seriously amazed when I hear about his thinking and ideas. Why does it seem as parents we often think a child, even at 3, needs to be thinking the same way as the adult or doing things exactly the way we say to do them?! (please tell me I am not the only one who falls into that mindset at least some of the time!)

But, this reminds me of another situation:

We came home from MOPS and I asked Bryce to hold the door open for me because my hands were full. He ran in and let the door close on me. I opened the door and struggled to get in, very irritated that he wasn't doing what I had asked him to do. I let the door latch behind me which made him VERY angry. I didn't understand why he was crying and he was too worked up to tell me what happened. Finally, he pointed at the door and said "open", then pointed to the playroom and said "wedge". Apparently he WAS doing what I had asked after all. He wasn't playing in his playroom, but was instead looking for a wedge to put under the door to keep it open for Mommy. Good idea. Not what I was thinking when I asked him to please hold the door for Mommy, but good thinking. Thankfully, I held back my frustration and listened to him in that moment. 

I admit, I am not always good at keeping assumptions out of the situation, holding my temper, and listening to what is really going on in his little mind. I have very often jumped to the conclusion that he just isn't listening and maybe even being naughty. Then, after my overreaction, when my anger is all out in the open, and when I find out what really bothered him, I'm left apologizing and feeling like an idiot, laying awake at night, praying for grace. I am sure that never happens to any other parent right?

I hope I can always remember to encourage him to think through other ideas, even when it is different from how I think it should be.

Today I am embracing the amazing ways kids think, and the times I'm able to remember to put myself in his mindset before jumping to my own conclusions. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Finding the Time

I have heard numerous times how very important it is for a mother to pursue her own interests, but seriously, where is the time a mom needs to do that?? She can totally make it happen. It may just look a bit different after kids....

Pursuing my interest WITH my child when I don't have enough time to do it on my own!

Mommy's View
Bryce's View

Following Mommy's Lead

Bryce's favorite subject for his photography is Baby Nathan.

Mommy followed HIS lead on these. We both took photos of whatever he wanted.

Although I absolutely still need my own time, working on photography with my 3 year old was pretty fun! If I can't get out to do it on my own, at least I can still take some shots to work on photography while at home with my kids. 

I now wonder what interests and hobbies Bryce will pursue as he gets older...  

Monday, April 1, 2013

Mother of Two

New life situations never seem to sink in right away.

Then, one day, something so simple will make that change a reality; make it really stick. Right then it hits you. A moment stops you in your tracks and makes everything feel so real. A"Wow, I really made it!", "I actually did it!", "I'm really here!", "This really happened!", "I am really doing this!", "Oh my...." "Wow!" kind of moment.

This happened on Easter morning when I put together the boys' Easter baskets. I put Bryce's together, and then made a little basket for our 2 month old's first Easter. When I was done, I put them side by side on the kitchen table. I took a step back to look at the baskets and all of a sudden it hit me. I made TWO baskets. There are TWO Easter baskets in front of me. I have TWO kids. I am the mother of TWO! 

There are quite a few other moments that could have sparked this step back realization: a sleepless newborn night, a busy toddler day, a routine trip to the grocery store with an infant carrier in one hand and toddler's hand in the other, two kids 3 years apart screaming at the same time, or any of the many opportunities I have had to practice multitasking these past 2 months. Instead it was sparked by something so simple: two Easter baskets side by side on my kitchen table. 

Wow! I am really doing it. I am the mother of two.