Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Finding the Time

I have heard numerous times how very important it is for a mother to pursue her own interests, but seriously, where is the time a mom needs to do that?? She can totally make it happen. It may just look a bit different after kids....

Pursuing my interest WITH my child when I don't have enough time to do it on my own!

Mommy's View
Bryce's View

Following Mommy's Lead

Bryce's favorite subject for his photography is Baby Nathan.

Mommy followed HIS lead on these. We both took photos of whatever he wanted.

Although I absolutely still need my own time, working on photography with my 3 year old was pretty fun! If I can't get out to do it on my own, at least I can still take some shots to work on photography while at home with my kids. 

I now wonder what interests and hobbies Bryce will pursue as he gets older...  

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